TASK 1: Awareness Training to Asset Owners plus first phase of information gathering
This will be followed by the second phase of the information gathering exercise which will involve a review of Maintenance Management Process/Practices Documentation plus Asset Performance, Condition and Risk Management. This is an important phase as it provides the framework for targeted review of asset management systems and processes currently in use and the likely needs into the future. It also serves to inform the third information gathering phase which is based on interactive interviews and field visits.
TASK 2: Awareness Training to Asset Managers plus second phase of information gathering
RCPI will provide awareness training to, with more in depth training (one day) for all individuals to be interviewed or who need a reasonably in depth knowledge of Strategic Maintenance Management and best practices.
This will be followed by the third phase of the information gathering exercise which will involve how the works are carried as agreed by the Asset Managers.
TASK 3: Information Gathering – Third phase
Interactive 1-1 interviews where candidates selected from across the CLIENT business unit are interviewed by an experienced consultant using a structured questionnaire. This explores all aspects of the Work Management, Budgeting and Cost Control, Human Resources, Materials Management, Maintenance Frequency, Maintenance Scheduling and Planning, Maintenance Procedures, etc. It gauges the organization’s current level of Maintenance Management maturity against each element – using template model answers to provide consistency. The sessions are interactive, and it is usual for specific opportunities to be identified during this stage – the sessions are also useful in communicating asset management messages across a wide group of employees.
6-Level Maturity Scale The gap assessment will cover all points of the ISO 55000 requirements and characterizes the maturity of the organization on a 6-level scale ranging from “Innocence” to “Excellence”, ISO 55000 certification level represents the transition from Level 2 (“Awareness”) to Level 4 (“Competence”) in all areas.
TASK 4: Information Gathering – Plant Walk-through, Field Task Observation and Equipment Condition Assessment
This phase is critical to assess the present condition of the equipment. The objectives of this phase are:
TASK 5: Findings, Gap Analysis (Benchmarking against Peers in Industry) & Recommendations
Best Practice Considerations Functional Benchmarked Performance:
TASK 6: Review Gap Analysis, Findings & Recommendations
A workshop with the System Planning and Asset Management Leadership Team will be conducted to review the draft findings and recommendations. This will enable CLIENT to understand the evaluated gaps, the attributes required to reach future levels of excellence and recommendations on the actions and priorities required. In conjunction with the RCPI-CLIENT team, the Leadership Team will add context and test preliminary conclusions. The sum total of this effort is to capture business enhancement opportunities, which will then be structured and reported in the form of a first stage “Case for Action”.
TASK 7: Development of Asset Management Roadmap
Based on the enhancement opportunities, priorities and value assessments (i.e., Case for Action) from Task 6, RCPI and CLIENT will develop the first stage transformational Asset Management Roadmap identifying the elements to be put in place and their approximate sequence. This roadmap will have definitive steps in the near to intermediate term with less definitive but sequential steps at later stages. Thus the Roadmap is a living document that will accompany the journey forward.
TASK 8: Conduct Executive Workshop
The RCPI team will prepare and conduct a workshop with the CLIENT Executive Leadership Team presenting the project overview; the assessment results; the Case for Action (based on findings, recommendations and value capture projections); the CLIENT Asset management vision and its correlation with CLIENT’s strategies, operating principles and goals; and the initial Roadmap for Change.